Justin Rousey
Captain, On Point Sportfishing
Justin was born in Baltimore, Maryland and grew up in rural Maryland for most of his life. Before he fished for a living, he was a landlocked striper finatic on the Maryland reservoirs who literally once quit his job of six years to get in on an insane striper bite. Justin also cut his teeth chasing striped bass in the Chesepeake Bay and offshore canyon fishing out of Ocean City, Maryland.
Justin was an arborist for 11 years and owned his own tree removal business. While running his business, he realized he would rather be on the water everyday and his time on the water was his true calling. Living the grocery list lifestyle wasn’t meant to be. So he packed his bags and moved to Marathon, Florida where he chartered guides in the past for tarpon fishing. While riding along with a captain everyday out of Hawks Cay in Duck Key, Florida, fate ultimately landed him a position on a 39′ Buddy Davis Sportfisherman named Final Final.
Now Justin is currently fishing roughly 350 trips a year full time out of Hawks Cay and this season he will start to run tarpon charters on his own personal vessel, a 20′ Bayshore Flats Boat.