On the Rhodie: Tuesday – Wednesday
If I told a stranger that did not fish about the last 24 hours there is no question in my mind that they would make every effort to have me committed.
My truck, which by this stage knows on it’s own how to get to Rhode Island, was rudely awakened at 2AM, feeling a little overloaded. I literally emptied my garage, and a good chunk of the TackleDirect warehouse into her the day before so when I rolled out of bed, I could roll right down the highway.

Capt Ed Berger’s truck filled with fishing equipment.
The gem for this trip was a brand new Van Staal VR 150 I picked up late Monday afternoon. It was spooled up with 30# J-Braid on an RH Custom Composite 11’ rod. A complete virgin set-up, all leadered up with 40# Seaguar and ready for her first workout. I also had a brand new pair of Korkers for this trip, believe me this is one place that where you MUST have them.
First stop, Wynnewood PA to pick up Craig and add at least another small tackle shop’s worth of inventory on top of the already ridiculous display of gear gluttony. What can I say… I’m a surf tackle pig.
We blew through NY and over the GW before 5 and made short work of Connecticut. We figured this was the 15th Annual excursion which had taken place the beginning of every summer, with a couple Fall trips tossed in. The car ride up was a comfortable re-hash of trips of the past; fish caught, slobs missed, favorites to throw by category and a good solid one hour debate on why we each like which location best.
I should also note that these trips notoriously are studded with horrible eating habits. The 68 qt.Yeti Tundra in the back was loaded with water, Tastycake French Apple Pies, trail bars, a huge bin of pretzels, a bag of rotten oranges (which Craig bought on special…yes Craig they were very special), a small fortune in James Beef Jerky and coffee…. lots of coffee. Being semi-food conscious, this is also the only time of year either one of eat at McDonald’s. I could taste the McMuffin for hours before I ate it, and an equal number of hours afterwards. It was awesomely gross, and I can’t wait for the McNuggets and fries on the way to Block Island.
Stop number one was actually one of my favorite places to fish in all of Rhode Island, especially if there happen to be fish there, Beavertail Light. Just one of the prettiest places you have ever seen with rough rocky outcroppings jutting out like a knurly finger into the bay. Lots of current, and when the whitewater is there it can be spectacular. We had a night several years ago in the fog, with that mind-splitting foghorn blaring inside out heads, where every cast was a solid hookup. Did I mention the here weather is beautiful…. for sunbathing, not striper fishing. Stop #1 was a bust…. but not entirely.
Rhode Island is the land of fisherman. Somehow, they can size you up in just a couple seconds and figure out if you are worth a conversation and some information sharing or a total googan to be scoffed at and ignored like you are speaking a foreign language… no english. Fortunately for us, a local with a little intel sent us int he right direction for spot number 2. Fill you in on my next blogstop sometime tonight…if I can still see straight.
Stay Tuna-ed!
Gear Used
RH Customs
RH Custom Composite Rod 11′
RH Custom Rods prides itself on building exclusively on CTS blanks from New Zealand. CTS utilizes the most advanced technology in the world along with the highest quality carbons available to manufacture blanks. The carbon helix core used by CTS minimizes cross sectional deformation of the blank during loading, thereby improving power and response.
Korkers Wading Boot
By incorporating OmniTrax V2 Interchangeable Sole Technology, Korkers has developed a full line of verastile footwear systems that gives you the unique ability to maximize performance, despite conditions. No matter where your next adventure takes you or what surprise mother nature might throw at you, with Korkers you’ll always be ready.
Read More: On the Rhodie, Parts I, III & IV

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